Speculoos Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

Speculoos Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

The other day, someone asked me why I wasn’t posting recipes anymore. I didn’t think much of it until someone else asked me and then another person asked. So why haven’t I been baking? For starters, I’ve been trying to clean up my eating. Then I was also busy training for Goofy’s Race and a Half Challenge in January. Training? What’s up with that? I know there have been recent blog posts that make it seem the races are a walk in the park (pardon the pun) and not a whole lot of training is required. But believe me, you do have to train to complete a marathon, Disney or otherwise. Behind the theme parks, characters and the fluff of the tutus, you are out there walking or running 13.1 miles for a half marathon and double that distance for the marathon. It’s not like you can wake up, jump into the race at mile 25 and claim that you’ve run an entire marathon. And while it is true that you’ll get a medal regardless of whether you officially finish a Disney race, that isn’t the point. Anyway, I digress. If you are seriously training, then you know how little time and energy you have on the weekend for things besides running and napping. That’s where I’ve been and that’s what I’ve been doing. And if you’re looking to start running, here’s a good spot – 10 Tips for New Runners.

But enough about that, let’s talk about the good stuff! The kind of stuff you can eat and not feel guilty about after a good long run – muffins.

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Trader Joe’s Visit

After seeing so many different blog posts on Trader Joe’s and products from Trader Joe’s, I decided to find one to visit on my road trip last week. Luckily, there was one around the corner from my hotel.  Continue reading “Trader Joe’s Visit”