Foodbuzz – The Top 9

I made the Foodbuzz Top 9 on June 3, 2012!

I was not having a good night on Saturday. I mixed up my long and short run days and I knew I’d have to squeeze a 14K run in on Sunday on top of being in the kitchen all day (that’s 8.69 miles for the non-metric folks). Throw in the possibility of rain and I began channeling my inner Eeyore. Continue reading “Foodbuzz – The Top 9”

Strawberry basil scones


My friend Debra is over in the UK on a business trip of sorts: not like the business trip I wrote about last week. She’s got a tour guide and is touring the local sights. However, she does have 20+ students with her so there’s probably a bit of wrangling and babysitting involved. But she’s a tough girl and I know she can handle them and anything else thrown her way! Including the scones recipes she was baking up before she left. Now it seems like I see recipes for scones everywhere along with recipes for strawberries … Can you guess what’s coming next? Continue reading “Strawberry basil scones”